Writers Notebook Freewrites on Feelings Prompts – 100 page lined notebook


Writers Notebook Freewrites on Feelings Prompts: 100 page lined notebook for creative writing with prompts on different feelings to freewrite about.


Don’t think; just write!’—Ray Bradbury

Freewriting is a strategy for the creative writer to write everything they think, as they think it. Uncensored and unedited.

It allows the flow of thought without the pressure of judgement. It is about getting the words out without thought to expression, or audience. Spelling and grammar don’t matter; all that matters is that your hands keep moving and the words keep flowing freely.

The simple prompts provided in this notebook give a focus for your freewrite. Start by writing what the feeling means to you, the definition, your understanding, your experience of it. Don’t think, just write, and keep on writing until you fill both pages for the prompt. Follow wherever your stream of consciousness takes you.

The freewrites on feelings that you collect in this notebook can help you develop or add depth to characters, stories, poems or even feed an essay.

The lines are extra wide to allow you to come back later and highlight thoughts of interest or scribble in additional ideas.When its full put it on your shelf and come back to it for inspiration when you need it.

The designer of this Writer’s Notebook is studying for a Masters in creative writing and hopes you find this notebook as helpful as she does for inspiring thoughts on feelings for use in her work.


  • 7 x 10 inch in size
  • 100 pages (96 lined)
  • 48 creative writing prompts on the subject of different feelings
  • Wide lines for easy highlighting and mark up
  • Introductory page explaining how to use the notebook
  • Beautifully designed cover (available in paperback and hardcover)
  • Excellent addition to any creative writer’s toolbox

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